
rolam, Angliabol





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2009.06.24. 01:01 Sebi

It's not the third day*

What kind of silly calendar puts Tuesday as not the second day? Portugal, beware.

And for the three-day rule, I've realised it will pass tomorrow. The reason for this is it started after midnight. I hope.

Anyway, today was wonderful. Fire alarm in the sunshine and an extra hour during the day. No, there was no summer time just a short workday**.

**Which made me realise that lyrics are really better than cofee. And infusions are better than teas. Healthy living, I'm coming. Well, I hope, not really.

*Today's (luckily, only) alternative title: Pencakes... with curd***. 

***I've just realised, there's a short English word for curd. Which is 'curd'. It's fantastic, isn't it? Especially that it's the same day as a pencake day should be.****

****It was the same day when I started to write. Which was way into yesterday considering English time-difference.

Szólj hozzá!

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