
rolam, Angliabol





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2008.08.03. 23:24 Sebi

...because you payed at the door...

And the night wears out like that magical moment at the beginning of every kiss you get or give for the first time from/to someone else. It's not more then a peak in the waves of love and life, a mere punctuation in the longest sentence of the world. In other words: the source of meaning, the quantum of emotions.

One which may change your life. Or not. Because you don't know what is coming till you haven't received it right into your face. And usually it sucks. Like the Shroedinger's comic.

Or that bar you get into. The one which has quite many girls but is still a gay bar. And at that moment when you are realizing this you realise also that paying at the door ruined the night. And the feeling goes on till you find the second floor. Where it turns out to be a great place but you recognize it's too late and it's time to go home.

So you just leave, moving alone with three people who you hardly know crashing at their place for the night. Then you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror, decide you can go on the streets, look for a way to open the frakin' door and finally an hour later close the door behind you, finishing the last night.

Then you get home, realizing it's 1050AM, get a quick breakfast from the hotel and start a whole new day. And then you are smiling for a whole day. Because this's what life should be:

LEGEN... wait for it ... (I only have one more episode of HIMYM. It Sukks) ...DARY

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: madrid buli abszurd

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